Mittwoch, 7. November 2012

Unsupported namespace in InfoPath code

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.Converter.DetectUnsupportedNamespaces.VerifyNamespace(String ns, String nodeName, ICollection`1 problems)

at Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.Converter.BusinessLogicScanner.<>c__DisplayClass2.b__1(MethodBase method)
at Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.Converter.BusinessLogicScanner.VisitMethod(MethodBase method, MethodInfoVisitor methodVisitor)


You are using custom code in InfoPath, and you are using code in your project that doesn't have the same namespace as the form.  For example a helper function that you've included in your code.
When InfoPath Forms Services attempt to validate your form, it finds that your form template contains reference to code that doesn't have a namespace!
Just create a namespace for the helper class, or move the helper class under the namespace of the form's namespace.